Code Review Tuesdays!

We’ve had some pretty unpredictable code deployment schedules lately and I know that’s been a bit confusing and frustrating (especially when bug fixes are backed up!) To regularize this, I’m now instituting a regular weekly update schedule.

Every Tuesday I’ll be doing a code review and deployment prep to get updated MediaWiki code deployed on the Wikimedia sites.

This does mean that Tuesday is probably not a good time to commit large experimental changes — but a great time to be available for cleanup and bug fixes on the changes you’ve been making over the last week. :)

Of course there’s some relation to Bug Mondays… I’m dithering over whether to move the bug day to Wednesday or Thursday, since I know on my end Mondays are often taken up with catch-up and meetings, and people are often kinda busy; further it’s hard for me to prep a Bug Monday during work time when our European and Australian folks have already been through most or all of Monday before I wake up. ;)

Any preferences between Wed and Thurs?

4 thoughts on “Code Review Tuesdays!”

  1. I have a weak preference for Wednesdays.

    It would be very nice if you could do some prep work (e.g. compile a list of Bug Day candidates) the day before, so us Europeans can actually do stuff before you start work (which is usually between 5 and 6 PM in CEST).

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