Web Modules for JS + asset files: why don’t you exist yet?

Ugh, there really needs to be a sane way to package a “web” module that includes both JavaScript code and other assets (images, fonts, styles, Flash shims, and other horrors).

I’m cleaning up some code from my ogv.js JavaScript audio/video player, including breaking out the audio output and streaming URL input as separate modules for reuse… The audio output class is mostly a bit of JavaScript, but includes a Flash shim for IE 10/11 which requires bundling a .swf file and making it web-accessible.

Browserify can package up a virtual filesystem into your JS code — ok for loading a WebGL shader maybe — but can’t expose it to the HTML side of things where you want to reference a file by URL, especially if you don’t want it preloaded.

Bower will fetch everything from the modules you specify, but doesn’t distinguish clearly between files that should be included in the output (or what paths will be used to reference them) and random stuff in your repo. They kinda recommend using further tools to distill down an actual set of output…

Dear LazyWeb: Is there anything else in the state of the art that can make it a little easier to bundle together this sort of module into larger library or app distributions?