EmbedScript 2019

Based on my decision to stick with browser-based sandboxing instead of pushing on with ScriptinScript, I’ve started writing up notes reviving my old idea for an EmbedScript extension for MediaWiki. It’ll use the <iframe> sandbox and Content-Security-Policy to run widgets in article content (with a visible/interactive HTML area) and plugins (headless) for use in UI extensions backed by trusted host APIs which let the plugin perform limited actions with the user’s permission.

There are many details yet to be worked out, and I’ll keep updating that page for a while before I get to coding. In particular I want to confirm things like the proper CSP headers to prevent cross-origin network access (pretty sure I got it, but must test) and how to perform the equivalent sandboxing in a web view on mobile platforms! Ensuring that the sandbox is secure in a browser before loading code is important as well — older browsers may not support all the sandboxing needed.

I expect to iterate further on the widgets/plugins/host APIs model, probably to include a concept of composable libraries and access to data resources (images, fonts, audio/video files, even data from the wiki, etc).

The widget, plugin, and host API definitions will need to be stored and editable on-wiki — like a jsfiddle.net “fiddle” editing can present them as 4-up windows of HTML, CSS, JS, and output — but with additional metadata for dependencies and localizable strings. I hope to use MediaWiki’s new “multi-content revisions” system to store the multiple components as separate content pieces of a single wiki page, versioned together.

Making sure that content widgets can be fairly easy ported to/from non-MediaWiki platforms would be really wise though. A git repo adapter? A single-file .html exporter? Embedding the content as offsite-embeddable iframes as well, without the host page having API or data access? Many possibilities. Is there prior art in this area?

Also need to work out the best way to instantiate objects in pages from the markup end. I’d like for widgets in article pages to act like media files in that you can create them with the [[File:blah]] syntax, size them, add borders and captions, etc. But it needs to integrate well with the multimedia viewer zoom view, etc (something I still need to fix for video too!)… and exposing them as a file upload seems weird. And what about pushing one-off data parameters in? Desirable or extra complication?

Anyway, check the on-wiki notes and feel free to poke me with questions, concerns, and ideas y’all!

Defender of the Realm

I showed some iterations of ScriptinScript’s proposed object value representation, using native JS objects with a custom prototype chain to isolate the guest world’s JS objects. The more I looked I saw more corner cases… I thought of the long list of security issues with the old Caja transpiling embedding system, and decided it would be best to change course.

Not only are there a lot of things to get right to avoid leaking host objects, it’s simply a lot of work to create a mostly spec-compliant JavaScript implementation, and then to maintain it. Instead I plan to let the host JavaScript implementation run almost the entire show, using realms.

What’s a Realm?

Astute readers may have clicked on that link and noticed that the ECMAScript committee’s realms proposal is still experimental, with no real implementations yet… But realms are actually a part of JS already, there’s just no standard way to manipulate them! Every function is associated with a realm that it runs in, which holds the global object and the intrinsic objects we take for granted — say, Object. Each realm has its own instance of each of these instrinsics, so if an object from one realm does make its way to another realm, their prototype chains will compare differently.

That sounds like what we were manually setting up last time, right? The difference is that when native host operations like throwing exceptions in a built-in function, auto-boxing a primitive value to an object, etc happen, the created Error or String etc instance will have the realm-specific prototype without us having to guard for it and switch it around.

If we have a separate realm for the guest environment, then there are a lot fewer places we have to guard against getting host objects.

Getting a realm

There are a few possible ways we can manage to get ahold of a separate realm for our guest code:

  • Un-sandboxed <iframe>
  • Sandboxed <iframe>
  • Web Worker thread
  • ‘vm’ module for Node.js

It should be possible to combine some of these techniques, such as using the future-native Realm inside a Worker inside a sandboxed iframe, which can be further locked down with Content-Security-Policy headers!

Note that using sandboxed or cross-origin <iframe>s or Workers requires asynchronous messaging between host and guest, but is much safer than Realm or same-origin <iframe> because they prevent all object leakage.

Similar techniques are used in existing projects like Oasis to seeming good effect.

Keep it secret! Keep it safe!

To keep the internal API for the guest environment clean and prevent surprise leakages to the host realm, it’s probably wise to clean up the global object namespace and the contents of the accessible intrinsics.

This is less important if cross-origin isolation and Content-Security-Policy are locked down carefully, but probably still a good idea.

For instance you probably want to hide some things from guest code:

  • the global message-passing handlers for postMessage to implement host APIs
  • fetch and XMLHttpRequest for network access
  • indexedDB for local-origin info
  • etc

In an <iframe> you would probably want to hide the entire DOM to create a fresh realm… But if it’s same-origin I don’t quite feel confident that intrinsics/globals can be safely cleaned up enough to avoid escapes. I strongly, strongly recommend using cross-origin or sandboxed <iframe> only! And a Worker that’s loaded from an <iframe> might be best.

In principle the realm can be “de-fanged” by walking through the global object graph and removing any property not on an allow list. Often you can also replace a constructor or method with an alternate implementation… as long as its intrinsic version won’t come creeping back somewhere. Engine code may throw exceptions of certain types, for instance, so they may need pruning in their details as well as pruning from the global tree itself.

In order to provide host APIs over postMessage, keep local copies of the global’s postMessage and addEventListener in a closure and set them up before cleaning the globals. Be careful in the messaging API to use only local variable references, no globals, to avoid guest code interfering with the messaging code.

Whither transpiling?

At this point, with the host environment in a separate realm *and* probably a separate thread *and* with its globals and intrinsics squeeky clean… do we need to do any transpiling still?

It’s actually, I think, safe at that point to just pass JS code for strict mode or non-strict-mode functions in and execute it after the messaging kernel is set up. You should even be able to create runtime code with eval and the Function constructor without leaking anything to/from the host context!

Do we still even need to parse/transpile? Yes!

But the reason isn’t for safety, it’s more for API clarity, bundling, and module support… Currently there’s no way to load JS module code (with native import/export syntax) in a Worker, and there’s no way to override module URL-to-code resolution in <script type=”module”> in an <iframe>.

So to support modern JS modules for guest code, you’d need some kind of bundling… which is probably desired anyway for fetching common libraries and such… and which may be needed to combine the messaging kernel / globals cleanup bootstrap code with the guest code anyway.

There’s plenty of prior art on JS module -> bundle conversion, so this can either make use of existing tools or be inspired by it.


If code is simply executed in the host engine, this means two things:

One, it’s hard to debug from within the web page because there aren’t tools for stopping the other thread and introspecting it.

Two, it’s easy to debug from within the web browser because the host debugger Just Works.

So this is probably good for Tools For Web Develepers To Embed Stuff but may be more difficult for Beginner’s Programming Tools (like the BASIC and LOGO environments of my youth) where you want to present a slimmed-down custom interface on the debugger.


Given a modern-browser target that supports workers, sandboxed iframes, etc, using those native host tools to implement sandboxing looks like a much, much better return on investment than continuing to implement a full-on interpreter or transpiler for in-process code.

This in some ways is a return to older plans I had, but the picture’s made a LOT clearer by not worrying about old browsers or in-process execution. Setting a minimal level of ES2017 support is something I’d like to do to expose a module-oriented system for libraries and APIs, async, etc but this isn’t strictly required.

I’m going to re-work ScriptinScript in four directions:

First, the embedding system using <iframe>s and workers for web or ‘vm’ for Node, with a messaging kernel and global rewriter.

Second, a module bundling frontend that produces ready-to-load-in-worker JS, that can be used client-side for interactive editing or server-side for pre-rendering. I would like to get the semantics of native JS modules right, but may approximate them as a simplification measure.

Third, a “Turtle World” demo implementing a much smaller interpreter for a LOGO-like language, connected to a host API implementing turtle graphics in SVG or <canvas>. This will scratch my itch to write an interpreter, but be a lot simpler to create and maintain. ;)

Finally, a MediaWiki extension that allows storing the host API and guest code for Turtle World in a custom wiki namespace and embedding them as media in articles.

I think this is a much more tractable plan, and can be tackled bit by bit.

ScriptinScript value representation

As part of my long-running side quest to make a safe, usable environment for user-contributed scripted widgets for Wikipedia and other web sites, I’ve started working on ScriptinScript, a modern JavaScript interpreter written in modern JavaScript.

It’ll be a while before I have it fully working, as I’m moving from a seat-of-the-pants proof of concept into something actually based on the language spec… After poking a lot at the spec details of how primitives and objects work, I’m pretty sure I have a good idea of how to represent guest JavaScript values using host JavaScript values in a safe, spec-compliant way.


JavaScript primitive types — numbers, strings, symbols, null, and undefined — are suitable to represent themselves; pretty handy! They’re copyable and don’t expose any host environment details.

Note that when you do things like reading str.length or calling str.charCodeAt(index) per spec it’s actually boxing the primitive value into a String object and then calling a method on that! The primitive string value itself has no properties or methods.


Objects, though. Ah now that’s tricky. A JavaScript object is roughly a hash map of properties indexed with string or symbol primitives, plus some internal metadata such as a prototype chain relationship with other objects.

The prototype chain is similar, but oddly unlike, class-based inheritance typical in many other languages.

Somehow we need to implement the semantics of JavaScript objects as JavaScript objects, though the actual API visible to other script implementations could be quite different.

First draft: spec-based

My initial design modeled the spec behavior pretty literally, with prototype chains and property descriptors to be followed step by step in the interpreter.

Guest property descriptors live as properties of a this.props sub-object created with a null prototype, so things on the host Object prototype or the custom VMObject wrapper class don’t leak in.

If a property doesn’t exist on this.props when looking it up, the interpreter will follow the chain down through this.Prototype. Once a property descriptor is found, it has to be examined for the value or get/set callables, and handled manually.

// VMObject is a regular class
[VMObject] {
    // "Internal slots" and implementation details
    // as properties directly on the object
    machine: [Machine],
    Prototype: [VMObject] || null,

    // props contains only own properties
    // so prototype lookups must follow this.Prototype
    props: [nullproto] {
        // prop values are virtual property descriptors
        // like you would pass to Object.defineProperty()
        aDataProp: {
            value: [VMObject],
            writable: true,
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true,
        anAccessorProp: {
            get: [VMFunction],
            set: [VMFunction],
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true,

Prototype chains

Handling of prototype chains in property lookups can be simplified by using native host prototype chains on the props object that holds the property descriptors.

Instead of Object.create(null) to make props, use Object.create(this.Prototype ? this.Prototype.props : null).

The object layout looks about the same as above, except that props itself has a prototype chain.

Property descriptors

We can go a step further, using native property descriptors which lets us model property accesses as direct loads and stores etc.

Object.defineProperty can be used directly on this.props to add native property descriptors including support for accessors by using closure functions to wrap calls into the interpreter.

This should make property gets and sets faster and awesomer!

Proper behavior should be retained as long as operations that can affect property descriptor handling are forwarded to props, such as calling Object.preventExtensions(this.props) when the equivalent guest operation is called on the VMObject.

Native objects

At this point, our inner props object is pretty much the “real” guest object, with all its properties and an inheritance chain.

We could instead have a single object which holds both “internal slots” and the guest properties…

let MachineRef = Symbol('MachineRef');

// VMObject is prototyped on a null-prototype object
// that does not descend from host Object, and which
// is named 'Object' as well from what guest can see.
// Null-proto objects can also be used, as long as
// they have the marker slots.
let VMObject = function Object(val) {
    return VMObject[MachineRef].ToObject(val);
VMObject[MachineRef] = machine;
VMObject.prototype = Object.create(null);
VMObject.prototype[MachineRef] = machine;
VMObject.prototype.constructor = VMObject;

[VMObject] || [nullproto] {
    // "Internal slots" and implementation details
    // as properties indexed by special symbols.
    // These will be excluded from enumeration and
    // the guest's view of own properties.
    [MachineRef]: [Machine],

    // prop values are stored directly on the object
    aDataProp: [VMObject],
    // use native prop descriptors, with accessors
    // as closures wrapping the interpreter.
    get anAccessorProp: [Function],
    set anAccessorProp: [Function],

The presence of the symbol-indexed [MachineRef] property tells host code in the engine that a given object belongs to the guest and is safe to use — this should be checked at various points in the interpreter like setting properties and making calls, to prevent dangerous scenarios like exposing the native Function constructor to create new host functions, or script injection via DOM innerHTML properties.


There’s an additional difficulty, which is function objects.

Various properties will want to be host-callable functions — things like valueOfand toString. You may also want to expose guest functions directly to host code… but if we use VMObject instances for guest function objects, then there’s no way to make them directly callable by the host.

Function re-prototyping

One possibility is to outright represent guest function objects using host function objects! They’d be closures wrapping the interpreter, and ‘just work’ from host code (though possibly careful in how they accept input).

However we’d need a function object that has a custom prototype, and there’s no way to create a function object that way… but you can change the prototype of a function that already has been instantiated.

Everyone says don’t do this, but you can. ;)

let MachineRef = Symbol('MachineRef');

// Create our own prototype chain...
let VMObjectPrototype = Object.create(null);
let VMFunctionPrototype = Object.create(VMObjectPrototype);

function guestFunc(func) {
    // ... and attach it to the given closure function!
    Reflect.setPrototypeOf(func, VMFunction.prototype);

    // Also save our internal marker property.
    func[MachineRef] = machine;
	return func;

// Create our constructors, which do not descend from
// the host Function but rather from VMFunction!
let VMObject = guestFunc(function Object(val) {
    let machine = VMObject[MachineRef];
    return machine.ToObject(val);

let VMFunction = guestFunc(function Function(src) {
    throw new Error('Function constructor not yet supported');

VMFunction.prototype = VMFunctionPrototype;
VMFunctionPrototype.constructor = VMFunction;

VMObject.prototype = VMObjectPrototype;
VMObjectPrototype.constructor = VMObject;

This seems to work but feels a bit … freaky.

Function proxying

An alternative is to use JavaScript’s Proxy feature to make guest function objects into a composite object that works transparently from the outside:

let MachineRef = Symbol('MachineRef');

// Helper function to create guest objects
function createObj(proto) {
    let obj = Object.create(proto);
    obj[MachineRef] = machine;
    return obj;

// We still create our own prototype chain...
let VMObjectPrototype = createObj(null);
let VMFunctionPrototype = createObj(VMObjectPrototype);

// Wrap our host implementation functions...
function guestFunc(func) {
    // Create a separate VMFunction instance instead of
    // modifying the original function.
    // This object is not callable, but will hold the
    // custom prototype chain and non-function properties.
    let obj = createObj(VMFunctionPrototype);

    // ... now wrap the func and the obj together!
    return new Proxy(func, {
        // In order to make the proxy object callable,
        // the proxy target is the native function.
        // The proxy automatically forwards function calls
        // to the target, so there's no need to include an
        // 'apply' or 'construct' handler.
        // However we have to divert everything else to
        // the VMFunction guest object.
        defineProperty: function(target, key, descriptor) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
            return Reflect.defineProperty(obj, key, descriptor);
        deleteProperty: function(target, key) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);
            return Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, key);
        get: function(target, key) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.get(target, key);
            return Reflect.get(obj, key);
        getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(target, key) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
            return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
        getPrototypeOf: function(target) {
            return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(obj);
        has: function(target, key) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.has(target, key);
            return Reflect.has(obj, key);
        isExtensible: function(target) {
            return Reflect.isExtensible(obj);
        ownKeys: function(target) {
            return Reflect.ownKeys(target).concat(
        preventExtensions: function(target) {
            return Reflect.preventExtensions(target) &&
        set: function(target, key, val, receiver) {
            if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return Reflect.set(target, key, val, receiver);
            return Reflect.set(obj, key, val, receiver);
        setPrototypeOf: function(target, proto) {
            return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto);

// Create our constructors, which now do not descend from
// the host Function but rather from VMFunction!
let VMObject = guestFunc(function Object(val) {
    // The actual behavior of Object() is more complex ;)
    return VMObject[MachineRef].ToObject(val);

let VMFunction = guestFunc(function Function(args, src) {
    // Could have the engine parse and compile a new guest func...
    throw new Error('Function constructor not yet supported');

// Set up the circular reference between
// the constructors and protoypes.
VMFunction.prototype = VMFunctionPrototype;
VMFunctionPrototype.constructor = VMFunction;
VMObject.prototype = VMObjectPrototype;
VMObjectPrototype.constructor = VMObject;

There’s more details to work out, like filling out the VMObject and VMFunction prototypes, ensuring that created functions always have a guest prototype property, etc.

Note that implementing the engine in JS’s “strict mode” means we don’t have to worry about bridging the old-fashioned arguments and caller properties, which otherwise couldn’t be replaced by the proxy because they’re non-configurable.

My main worries with this layout are that it’ll be hard to tell host from guest objects in the debugger, since the internal constructor names are the same as the external constructor names… the [MachineRef] marker property should help though.

And secondarily, it’s easier to accidentally inject a host object into a guest object’s properties or a guest function’s arguments…

Blocking host objects

We could protect guest objects from injection of host objects using another Proxy:

function wrapObj(obj) {
    return new Proxy(obj, {
        defineProperty: function(target, key, descriptor) {
            let machine = target[MachineRef];
            if (!machine.isGuestVal(descriptor.value) ||
                !machine.isGuestVal(descriptor.get) ||
            ) {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot define property with host object as value or accessors');
            return Reflect.defineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
        set: function(target, key, val, receiver) {
            // invariant: key is a string or symbol
            let machine = target[MachineRef];
            if (!machine.isGuestVal(val)) {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot set property to host object');
            return Reflect.set(target, key, val, receiver);
        setPrototypeOf: function(target, proto) {
            let machine = target[MachineRef];
            if (!machine.isGuestVal(val)) {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot set prototype to host object');
            return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(obj, proto);

This may slow down access to the object, however. Need to benchmark and test some more and decide whether it’s worth it.

For functions, can also include the `apply` and `construct` traps to check for host objects in arguments:

function guestFunc(func) {
    let obj = createObj(VMFunctionPrototype);
    return new Proxy(func, {
        // ... all the same traps as wrapObj and also:
        apply: function(target, thisValue, args) {
            let machine = target[MachineRef];
            if (!machine.isGuestVal(thisValue)) {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot call with host object as "this" value');
            for (let arg of args) {
                if (!machine.isGuestVal(arg)) {
                    throw new TypeError('Cannot call with host object as argument');
            return Reflect.apply(target, thisValue, args);
        construct: function(target, args, newTarget) {
            let machine = target[MachineRef];
            for (let arg of args) {
                if (!machine.isGuestVal(arg)) {
                    throw new TypeError('Cannot construct with host object as argument');
            if (!machine.isGuestVal(newTarget)) {
                throw new TypeError('Cannot construct with host object as new.target');
            return Reflect.apply(target, args, newTarget);

Exotic objects

There are also “exotic objects”, proxies, and other funky things like Arrays that need to handle properties differently from a native object… I’m pretty sure they can all be represented using proxies.

Next steps

I need to flesh out the code a bit more using the new object model, and start on spec-compliant versions of interpreter operations to get through a few simple test functions.

Once that’s done, I’ll start pushing up the working code and keep improving it. :)

Update (benchmarks)

I did some quick benchmarks and found that, at least in Node 11, swapping out the Function prototype doesn’t appear to harm call performance while using a Proxy adds a fair amount of overhead to short calls.

$ node protobench.js 
empty in 22 ms
native in 119 ms
guest in 120 ms

$ node proxybench.js
empty in 18 ms
native in 120 ms
guest in 1075 ms

This may not be significant when functions have to go through the interpreter anyway, but I’ll consider whether the proxy is needed and weigh the options…

Update 2 (benchmarks)

Note that the above benchmarks don’t reflect another issue — de-optimization of call sites that accept user-provided callbacks, if you sometimes pass them regular functions and other times pass them re-prototyped or proxied objects, they can switch optimization modes and end up slightly slower also when passed regular functions.

If you know you’re going to pass a guest object into a separate place that may be interchangeable with a native host function, you can make a native wrapper closure around the guest call and it should avoid this.

ScriptinScript is coming

Got kinda sidetracked for the last week and ended up with a half-written JavaScript interpreter written in JavaScript, which I’m calling “ScriptinScript”. O_O

There are such things already in existence, but they all seem outdated, incomplete, unsafe, or some combination of those. I’ll keep working on this for my embeddable widgets project but have to get back to other projects for the majority of my work time for now… :)

I’ve gotten it to a stage where I understand more or less how the pieces go together, and have been documenting how the rest of it will be implemented. Most of it for now is a straightforward implementation of the language spec as native modern JS code, but I expect it can be optimized with some fancy tricks later on. I think it’s important to actually implement a real language spec rather than half-assing a custom “JS-like” language, so code behaves as you expect it to … and so we’re not stuck with some totally incompatible custom tool forever if we deploy things using it.
Will post the initial code some time in the next week or two once I’ve got it running again after some major restructuring from initial proof of concept to proper spec-based behavior.