Testing in-browser video transcoding with MediaRecorder

A few months ago I made a quick test transcoding video from MP4 (or whatever else the browser can play) into WebM using the in-browser MediaRecorder API.

I’ve updated it to work in Chrome, using a <canvas> element as an intermediary recording surface as captureStream() isn’t available on <video> elements yet there.

Live demo: https://brionv.com/misc/browser-transcode-test/capture.html

There are a couple advantages of re-encoding a file this way versus trying to do all the encoding in JavaScript, but also some disadvantages…


  • actual encoding should use much less CPU than JavaScript cross-compile
  • less code to maintain!
  • don’t have to jump through hoops to get at raw video or audio data


  • MediaRecorder is realtime-oriented:
    • will never decode or encode faster than realtime
    • if encoding is slower than realtime, lots of frames are dropped
    • on my MacBook Pro, realtime encoding tops out around 720p30, but eg phone camera videos will often be 1080p30 these days.
  • browser must actually support WebM encoding or it won’t work (eg, won’t work in Edge unless they add it in future, and no support at all in Safari)
  • Firefox and Chrome both seem to be missing Vorbis audio recording needed for base-level WebM (but do let you mix Opus with VP8, which works…)

So to get frame-rate-accurate transcoding, and to support higher resolutions, it may be necessary to jump through further hoops and try JS encoding.

I know this can be done — there are some projects compiling the entire ffmpeg  package in emscripten and wrapping it in a converter tool — but we’d have to avoid shipping an H.264 or AAC decoder for patent reasons.

So we’d have to draw the source <video> to a <canvas>, pull the RGB bits out, convert to YUV, and run through lower-level encoding and muxing… oh did I forget to mention audio? Audio data can be pulled via Web Audio, but only in realtime.

So it may be necessary to do separate audio (realtime) and video (non-realtime) capture/encode passes, then combine into a muxed stream.

Canvas, Web Audio, MediaStream oh my!

I’ve often wished that for ogv.js I could send my raw video and audio output directly to a “real” <video> element for rendering instead of drawing on a <canvas> and playing sound separately to a Web Audio context.

In particular, things I want:

  • Not having to convert YUV to RGB myself
  • Not having to replicate the behavior of a <video> element’s sizing!
  • The warm fuzzy feeling of semantic correctness
  • Making use of browser extensions like control buttons for an active video element
  • Being able to use browser extensions like sending output to ChromeCast or AirPlay
  • Disabling screen dimming/lock during playback

This last is especially important for videos of non-trivial length, especially on phones which often have very aggressive screen dimming timeouts.

Well, in some browsers (Chrome and Firefox) now you can do at least some of this. :)

I’ve done a quick experiment using the <canvas> element’s captureStream() method to capture the video output — plus a capture node on the Web Audio graph — combining the two separate streams into a single MediaStream, and then piping that into a <video> for playback. Still have to do YUV to RGB conversion myself, but final output goes into an honest-to-gosh <video> element.

To my great pleasure it works! Though in Firefox I have some flickering that may be a bug, I’ll have to track it down.

Some issues:

  • Flickering on Firefox. Might just be my GPU, might be something else.
  • The <video> doesn’t have insight to things like duration, seeking, etc, so can’t rely on native controls or API of the <video> alone acting like a native <video> with a file source.
  • Pretty sure there are inefficiencies. Have not tested performance or checked if there’s double YUV->RGB->YUV->RGB going on.

Of course, Chrome and Firefox are the browsers I don’t need ogv.js for for Wikipedia’s current usage, since they play WebM and Ogg natively already. But if Safari and Edge adopt the necessary interfaces and WebRTC-related infrastructure for MediaStreams, it might become possible to use Safari’s full screen view, AirPlay mirroring, and picture-in-picture with ogv.js-driven playback of Ogg, WebM, and potentially other custom or legacy or niche formats.

Unfortunately I can’t test whether casting to a ChromeCast works in Chrome as I’m traveling and don’t have one handy just now. Hoping to find out soon! :D