Ada Initiative: help support women (and everybody else) in Open Source!

The Ada Initiative is raising money for their programs supporting women in open source, open culture, and geekdom in general. They’ve reached about 70% of their fundraising goal… can you help them reach $100k by Saturday?

Like it or not, there are widespread issues with poor behavior, outright harassment, and creepy misogynistic tendencies in our beloved nerd communities:

  • free/open source software
  • gaming
  • Wikipedia
  • science-fiction fandom
  • atheism/skepticism
  • etc

Having grown up, worked, or dabbled in all of those communities, I’m often saddened by the continued negative experiences that many women have had and continue to have. The issues that Ada Initiative deal with affect many men and other social subgroups of all sorts, too — LGBTQ folks, people with depression or other mental illness, etc — which matters to me because so many of my coworkers and friends fall into some of those categories.

I’d like to see us move away from glorifying douchebaggery in all forms, and towards respectful participation for all! Care to help?


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